Bernds einfach von zu Hause aus kaufen
Which equipment
suits me and my wishes best?
Specify body measurements
Each Bernds is individually made to fit arm, leg and stride length.
Get on and drive off
A perfectly adjusted Bernds comes to your home.
Bernds fits uniquely well
Thanks to different frame lengths and special Bernds saddle and steering posts, each Bernds is individually manufactured. Adapted to body dimensions, a Bernds ensures a healthy, comfortable and safe driving experience.
Even with the desired sitting posture: From Dutch bike upright to racing bike sporty, every Bernds is ideally suited for body lengths from 140 to 210cm – and has been tried and tested a thousand times. Since 1991, on every continent.
Local contact?
For service, questions and maintenance. When you order, you can tell us the bike shop you want, we will contact the dealer.
Start configuring
Our factory shop and showroom in Überlingen.
We offer our bikes in various configurations for extensive testing all year round by appointment – directly on the Lake Constance cycle path, which is adjacent to our company premises. Luggage solutions and accessories are of course part of the program, just like experiencing Bernds production live. We are also happy to make appointments on weekends. Then the test drive can be combined with a little vacation, if you want.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – later or on the weekend by arrangement.
Please make an appointment.
Tel. (10–13h) + 49-7551-949 201-0
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